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Crystal Healing

Crystal Healing is an Alternative Holistic, Non-invasive, Vibrational Energy-based System of Healing.


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Reiki is another Alternative Healing Modality which was rediscovered in 1922 by Dr.Mikao Usui.


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Crystal Reiki

Crystal Reiki Masters is a course in which the Reiki Practice is integrated with the Healing Power of Crystals.


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Animal Reiki is a wonderful Non-invasive Alternative Therapy for Animals and can be safely used on Animals.


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Angel Therapy

Angel Therapy is a Divine Healing Modality from the Angelic Realms who have been with us from the beginning of our Life.


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Aroma Therapy

Aromatherapy is a Practice of using Essential Oils extracted from the Flowers, Stems, Barks, Roots, Leaves and other parts of the plants.



Certified Crystal Healer | Usui Reiki Master | Angel Therapist | Aroma Therapist | Animal Reiki Practioner | Angel Oracle Card Reader | Master Candle Therapist | Spell Caster


Sonal Bhola

Holistic Healing Coach

Feathers appear when angels are near…
Namaste! My name is Sonal Bhola. I would be your Personal Holistic and Spiritual Healing coach during this exciting journey of learning ancient healing modalities.

Before giving my introduction, I would like to extend a sincere gratitude to all my trainers and mentors who have guided and directed me at every step of my learnings and have helped me to achieve my dream to have my own healing academy White Feathers Holistic Healing. Without their trainings, guidance and support, I would not have been what I am today. A BIG THANKS to all of them. I would also mention a special thanks to my parents, my husband and my furry baby Maggi for supporting me always.

I am the founder of White Feathers Holistic Healing based at Ahmedabad India. I am a Spiritual and Holistic Healing Coach, a Certified Crystal Healer, Usui Reiki Master, Angel Therapist, Master Candle Therapist and an Aroma Therapist. I am also into Angel Oracle Card Readings and various Modern Divination Therapies like Pendulum Dowsing, Crystal Ball Scrying etc. I am also well known for my sucessfull Spell Casting Services.

I also work with the Moon Phases and perform Moon Rituals and Spells. I am a big devotee of the Moon Goddess as I have got many of my life's biggest blessings because of her including the reincarnation journey of my baby Maggie. I have been working with the powerful healing properties of Crystals and Gemstones since almost a decade and I just love Crystals and Animals. And this is what makes me a sucessful Animal Reiki Practitioner also.

Are you thinking there is so much on my platter? Well :-) I believe spirituality and holiness doesnot have an end and there are many more exciting paths I need to walk on still...

I feel so blessed to live my dream of having my own healing academy White Feathers Holistic Healing, as this venture is a result of my loads of hard work, late night studies, dedication, extensive and rigorous learnings and trainings that I took from my mentors, along with practice, time and patience. WFHH aims to provide healing sessions as well as training courses to all people who are drawn towards Alternative Medicine and believe in the healing powers of such Complementary and Holistic Healing Modalities. Not to forget my favourite furry angels and the most innocent souls on this Earth - Animals, Yes! we provide healing therapies for them too!

Please visit the courses available on this website; and I am sure you will be interested in knowing many of them. I assure you, you will love the experience of holistic healing therapies regardless of whether it is taking healing sessions or enrolling for a course.

Do not forget to read more about White Feathers Holictic Healing in the "ABOUT" section of this page!

Wishing you all a very joyful and healthy life.

Love, Light & Blessings !

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