Crystal Healing
Crystal Healing is a holistic, non-invasive, vibrational energy-based system of healing. It treats the whole person and their integrated energy system. It is therapeutic and deeply relaxing. The action of crystals may be described as subtle; however, crystals are capable of amplifying, focusing, directing, absorbing, diffusing and transmitting different levels of healing energy. Crystal Healing is an art of laying on stones (crystals and gems) in coordination with the body’s energy field, energy centres and energy pathways. Placing the crystals correctly on the body promotes physical, emotional, mental
and spiritual healing and leads to holistic health naturally. Crystals have been used for millennia as an aid in everyday life and for healing and they continue to do so even today.
This course explores various types of crystals and their unique uses in detail. Crystal Healing can be used as a vital stepping stone towards a new career or as a voyage of self-discovery. In this course you will explore the history of crystals and their potential as a healing/holistic therapy. This course provides you with an exceptional insight into crystals, their energy and how to set up as a Crystal Therapy Practitioner.
Benefits of Crystal Healing :
★ Physical Healing
★ Emotional Healing
★ Mental, Emotional and Spiritual Peace
★ Rejuvenation
★ Helps in Meditation
★ Connecting to your Higher self
★ Manifesting your dreams
★ Improving prosperity and abundance in life
★ Increased intuition
★ Transmit positive energy
Crystal Healing Courses :