E-shop for Incenses, Dhoop Sticks/Cones, Smudging Sages by White Feathers Holistic Healing
Palo Santo also known as "Holy Wood" or "Wood of the Saints," is the wood from a fragrant tree. Palo Santo is known for its myriad benefits. It can be..Read More
California White Sage also known as Salvia Apiana, White Sage, Bee Sage or the Sacred Sage, is an evergreen perennial shrub that is native to the sout..Read More
7 Chakra Sage Smudging Bundles are great for cleansing and clearing the chakras ! Excellent for protection, purification, and cleansing. Excellent f..Read More
These are powerfully blended Intentional Incense Sticks made with powerful Herbs Blends and Essential oils. This is a pack of 25 sticks. Light 1 for 2..Read More
Dragons Blood is a resin that forms naturally on berries of the cinnabar tree. Dragons Blood Sage can be used in ritual magic for protection, banishin..Read More
These are powerfully blended Intentional Incense Sticks made with powerful Herbs Blends and Essential oils. This is a pack of 25 sticks. Light 1 for 2..Read More
These Archangel Micheal Dhoop Cones made with an Intention of invoking Archangel Michael to bring Protection. You can use these for everyday protectio..Read More
These Archangel Raphael Dhoop Cones are made with an Intention of invoking Archangel Raphael to bring Healing. You can use these for everyday healing ..Read More
These Abundance & Prosperity Dhoop Cones are made with an Intention of bringing Abundance & Prosperity in you life. You can use these for atleast 20 D..Read More
These are powerfully blended Intentional Incense Sticks made with powerful Herbs Blends and Essential oils. This is a pack of 25 sticks. Light 1 for 2..Read More
Salvia occidentalis, commonly known as West Indian sage, is an annual or perennial herb native to South and Central America and the Ca
. It grows in tropical climates, in wet or dry fields, and often in waste grounds.Native Americans and other indigenous peoples have burned sage for centuries as part of a spiritual ritual to cleanse a person or space, and to promote healing and wisdom. It's been used since the time of the ancient Egyptians and Romans to treat digestive issues, memory problems, and sore throats. This Indian Sage Bundle can be used to remove negativity and cleanse your space and bring peace in the environment also.
Cost is 1 bundle Rs. 250 and pack of 4 is Rs. 800.
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